
De flesta LHC-projekt resulterar i någon form av skriftlig rapport. Våra publikationer är öppet tillgängliga och kan laddas ner gratis här på nätet. Med vissa undantag finns det tryckta rapporter att kostnadsfritt hämta på vårt kansli. Skicka ett mejl till och meddela vilka du vill ha så ser vi till att de finns klara att hämta upp i receptionen. 



Value-based healthcare in theory and practice

What have we learned? Lessons from the swedish experience

2017 | Designing sustainable care for elderly

Designing sustainable care for elderly

A contextual approach

2014 | LHC Report nr 2, 2014 (eng)

Network-based health care in practice

The ExDin project

2013 | SJPA 17(2):13-35

Politicized projects

Schedule modification as a tool for coordination between temporary interventions and long-term policies at an aid agency

2013 | Design Led innovations for Active Ageing

Successful projects?

Prerequisites and strategies for the implementation of design led innovation in the City of Stockholm

2012 | LHC Report Nr 5, 2012 (eng)

International forerunners within integrated care

2012 | LHC Report nr 1, 2012, kap 8 (eng)

The TioHundra Project

Tools for realizing integration


Heart Center Varde – Case


India Pre-Visited: New Frontiers in Healthcare Innovation

2009 | Leading Health Care - Organizing healthcare for greater value

Leading Health Care – Organizing healthcare for greater value