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Seminar: When will we stop seeing transformation as intervention?

2021-03-25 @ 13:00 - 15:00

Person-centered care, prevention, and integrated care are all components of transformation that aim to improve quality of care and life, increase patient satisfaction and improve system efficiency. These concepts and reforms have been around for decades, but it is hard to prove that they have led to fundamental and durable changes in how health and care services are organized and provided.

We invite you to a seminar about the difficulties in transforming a rigid system beyond separate projects. What does it take for governance, organization and evaluation principles to be adjusted to a new reality? Our focus will be on comparing experiences from the transformation in the UK and Sweden towards integrated/close care, in particular as regards the challenges in measuring and demonstrating results. Why do new care forms continue to be seen as “interventions”, and what consequences does it have for the evaluation of them?

When? Thursday March 25,  13-15 pm (local time, Sweden) (noon-2 pm GMT)

Where? Zoom. Link will be sent after registration

Sign up here:

Nigel Edwards, Chief Executive, Nuffield Trust
Hans Winberg, Moderator & Secretary General, LHC
Anna Krohwinkel, Head of research, LHC
Jon Rognes, Research Manager, LHC

Further participants to be confirmed.




13:00 - 15:00
Evenemang Kategori:
